Ruby RabbitMQ clients blog

News and updates about various Ruby clients for RabbitMQ

Bunny 1.7.0 Is Released


Bunny 1.7.0 is released to

1.7.0 is a minor feature release.

Changes between Bunny 1.6.0 and 1.7.0

TLS Peer Verification Enabled by Default

When using TLS, peer verification is now enabled by default. It is still possible to disable verification, e.g. for convenient development locally.

Peer verification is a means of protection against man-in-the-middle attacks and is highly recommended in production settings. However, it can be an inconvenience during local development. We believe it’s time to have the default to be more secure.

Contributed by Michael Klishin (Pivotal) and Andre Foeken (Nedap).

Higher Default Connection Timeout

Default connection timeout has been increased to 25 seconds. The older default of 5 seconds wasn’t sufficient in some edge cases with DNS resolution (e.g. when primary DNS server is down).

The value can be overriden at connection time.

Contributed by Yury Batenko.

Socket Read Timeout No Longer Set to 0 With Disabled Heartbeats

GH issue: #267.

JRuby Writes Fixes

On JRuby, Bunny reverts back to using plain old write(2) for writes. The CRuby implementation on JRuby suffers from I/O incompatibilities. Until JRuby

Bunny users who run on JRuby are highly recommended to switch to March Hare, which has nearly identical API and is significantly more efficient.

Bunny::Session#with_channel Synchornisation Improvements

Bunny::Session#with_channel is now fully synchronised and won’t run into COMMAND_INVALID errors when used from multiple threads that share a connection.

Full Change Log

Full change log can be found on GitHub.

About the Author

Michael maintains Bunny and several other RabbitMQ client libraries.