Ruby RabbitMQ clients blog

News and updates about various Ruby clients for RabbitMQ

March Hare 2.1.2 Is Released


March Hare 2.1.2 is released to

This is a bug fix release.

Changes Between 2.1.1 and 2.1.2

Internal Exchanges

Exchanges now can be declared as internal:

ch = conn.create_channel
x  = ch.fanout("marchhare.tests.exchanges.internal", :internal => true)

Internal exchanges cannot be published to by clients and are solely used for Exchange-to-Exchange bindings and various plugins but apps may still need to bind them. Now it is possible to do so with March Hare.

Full Change Log

Please consult the change log to learn about the changes.

About the Author

Michael on behalf of the Ruby RabbitMQ Clients Team