Ruby RabbitMQ clients blog

News and updates about various Ruby clients for RabbitMQ

Bunny 1.0.0.rc3 Is Released


Bunny 1.0.0.rc3 is released to

This is a minor feature and usability release. We encourage all Bunny users to upgrade to it.

Changes between Bunny 1.0.0.rc2 and 1.0.0.rc3

Authentication Failure Notification Support

Bunny::AuthenticationFailureError is a new auth failure exception that subclasses Bunny::PossibleAuthenticationFailureError for backwards compatibility.

As such, Bunny::PossibleAuthenticationFailureError’s error message has changed.

This extension is available in RabbitMQ 3.2+.


Bunny::Session#exchange_exists? is a new predicate that makes it easier to check if a exchange exists.

It uses a one-off channel and exchange.declare with passive set to true under the hood.


Bunny::Session#queue_exists? is a new predicate that makes it easier to check if a queue exists.

It uses a one-off channel and queue.declare with passive set to true under the hood.

Inline TLS Certificates and Keys

It is now possible to provide inline client certificate and private key (as strings) instead of filesystem paths. The options are the same:

  • :tls which, when set to true, will set SSL context up and switch to TLS port (5671)
  • :tls_cert which now can be a client certificate (public key) in PEM format
  • :tls_key which now can be a client key (private key) in PEM format
  • :tls_ca_certificates which is an array of string paths to CA certificates in PEM format

For example:

conn =                   => true,
                 :tls_cert              => ENV["TLS_CERTIFICATE"],
                 :tls_key               => ENV["TLS_PRIVATE_KEY"],
                 :tls_ca_certificates   => ["./examples/tls/cacert.pem"])

Full change log can be found on GitHub.

Michael on behalf of the Ruby RabbitMQ Clients Team