Ruby RabbitMQ clients blog

News and updates about various Ruby clients for RabbitMQ

March Hare 2.20.0 Is Released


March Hare 2.20.0 is released to

This is a maintenance release.

Changes Between 2.19.0 and 2.20.0 (November 2nd, 2016)

Connection Recovery Should Retry on Protocol Handshake Timeout

When an intermediary such as HAproxy with no backends online (or a problematic server node) doesn’t respond to a protocol header sent to it, RabbitMQ Java client will throw a generic operation timeout exception because the heartbeat mechanism is not yet enabled (it has not yet negotiated a timeout value for it!)

March Hare should handle this exception and retry, as if it was an I/O or skipped heartbeats exception.

Kudos to Andrew Cholakian and Jordan Sissel for digging this issue out.

GitHub issues: #107, logstash-plugins/logstash-input-rabbitmq#76

Changes Between 2.18.0 and 2.19.0 (October 26th, 2016)

RabbitMQ Java Client Upgrade

RabbitMQ Java client dependency has been updated to a milestone version of 3.6.6 to include a number of bug fixes early.

Thread Pool Leak

GitHub issue: #97.

Contributed by Michael Reis.

Removed Unused Thread Pool

March Hare relies on RabbitMQ Java client for consumer dispatch but one (unused) thread pool was still instantiated.

GitHub issue: #96.

Contributed by Ivo Anjo.

Channel Allocation Failure Throws an Exception

GitHub issue: #98.

Contributed by Michael Reis.

Full Change Log

Please consult the change log to learn about the changes.

About the Author

Michael on behalf of the Ruby RabbitMQ Clients Team