Ruby RabbitMQ clients blog

News and updates about various Ruby clients for RabbitMQ

Bunny 1.2.0 Is Released


Bunny 1.2.0 is released to

This is a minor feature and bug fix release.

Changes between Bunny 1.1.0 and 1.2.0

:key Supported in Bunny::Channel#queue_bind

It is now possible to use :key (which Bunny versions prior to 0.9 used) as well as :routing_key as an argument to Bunny::Queue#bind.

System Exceptions Not Rescued by the Library

Bunny now rescues StandardError instead of Exception where it automatically does so (e.g. when dispatching deliveries to consumers).

Contributed by Alex Young.

Initial Socket Connection Timeout Again Raises Bunny::TCPConnectionFailed

Initial socket connection timeout again raises Bunny::TCPConnectionFailed on the connection origin thread.

Thread Leaks Plugged

Bunny::Session#close on connections that have experienced a network failure will correctly clean up I/O and heartbeat sender threads.

Contributed by m-o-e.

Bunny::Concurrent::ContinuationQueue#poll Rounding Fix

Bunny::Concurrent::ContinuationQueue#poll no longer floors the argument to the nearest second.

Contributed by Brian Abreu.

Routing Key Limit

Per AMQP 0-9-1 spec, routing keys cannot be longer than 255 characters. Bunny::Channel#basic_publish and Bunny::Exchange#publish now enforces this limit.

Nagle’s Algorithm Disabled Correctly

Bunny now properly disables Nagle’s algorithm on the sockets it opens. This likely means significantly lower latency for workloads that involve sending a lot of small messages very frequently.

Contributed by Nelson Gauthier (AirBnB).

Internal Exchanges

Exchanges now can be declared as internal:

ch = conn.create_channel
x  = ch.fanout("bunny.tests.exchanges.internal", :internal => true)

Internal exchanges cannot be published to by clients and are solely used for Exchange-to-Exchange bindings and various plugins but apps may still need to bind them. Now it is possible to do so with Bunny.

Uncaught Consumer Exceptions

Uncaught consumer exceptions are now handled by uncaught exceptions handler that can be defined per channel:

ch.on_uncaught_exception do |e, consumer|
  # ...

Full Change Log

Full change log can be found on GitHub.

About the Author

Michael on behalf of the Ruby RabbitMQ Clients Team