Ruby RabbitMQ clients blog

News and updates about various Ruby clients for RabbitMQ

Amqp Gem 1.1.0-rc1 Is Released


amqp gem 1.1.0.rc1 is released to

This release is ready for amqp gem users to try it out. It includes a couple of usability improvements, internal code reorganization (amq-client is no longer used), amq-protocol update and more long time deprecated API elements removed.

All users are encouraged to try this new version to make upgrading to 1.1.0 easy in the future.

Changes Between 1.0.0 and 1.1.0

amq-protocol Update

Minimum amq-protocol version is now 1.8.0 which includes a bug fix for messages exactly 128 Kb in size.

AMQ::Client is Removed

amq-client has been incorporated into amqp gem. AMQ::Client and related modules are no longer available.

AMQP::Channel#confirm_select is Now Delayed

AMQP::Channel#confirm_select is now delayed until after the channel is opened, making it possible to use it with the pseudo-synchronous code style.

RabbitMQ Extensions are Now in Core

amqp gem has been targeting RabbitMQ exclusively for a while now.

RabbitMQ extensions are now loaded by default and will be even more tightly integrated in the future.

AMQP::Channel.default is Removed

AMQP::Channel.default and method_missing-based operations on the default channel has been removed. They’ve been deprecated since 0.6.

AMQP::Channel#rpc is Removed

AMQP::RPC-related code has been removed. It has been deprecated since 0.7.

AMQP::Channel.on_error is Removed

Long time deprecated AMQP::Channel.on_error is removed.

Michael on behalf of the Ruby RabbitMQ Clients Team