Ruby RabbitMQ clients blog

News and updates about various Ruby clients for RabbitMQ

HotBunnies 2.0.0.pre10 Is Released


HotBunnies 2.0.0.pre10 is released to

This release is a development milestone. 2.0 focuses on usability and introduces a couple of major API improvements and features.

2.0 should be production ready from the stability perspective but has breaking API changes. Please consult the change log below before considering upgrading.

Changes Between 2.0.0.pre8 and 2.0.0.pre10

Automatic Connection Recovery

HotBunnies now supports automatic connection recovery from a network outage, similar to the version in Bunny.

It recovers

  • Connections
  • Shutdown hooks
  • Channels
  • Exchanges, queues and bindings declared on the connection
  • Consumers

and can be disabled by setting :automatically_recover connection option to false.

This is the first version that works correctly in many common cases, but we don’t consider it to be 100% ready to recommend yet.

Plans for 2.0.0 Final

There is still a few things we need to do before HotBunnies 2.0 can be declared complete:

  • Further test and improve automatic network failure recovery
  • Make TLS support more configurable, ideally with the same API as Bunny 0.9
  • Add logging
  • API reference documentation

Michael on behalf of the Ruby RabbitMQ Clients Team