Ruby RabbitMQ clients blog

News and updates about various Ruby clients for RabbitMQ

Bunny 0.9.0.rc2 Is Released


Bunny 0.9.0.rc2 is released to

This release fixes a couple of issues discovered since RC1. Bunny 0.9 is now feature complete and used widely enough for us to be going through the RC stage.

If you use an earlier Bunny version, please help us test 0.9 RCs!

Changes between Bunny 0.9.0.rc1 and 0.9.0.rc2

Channel Now Properly Restarts Consumer Pool

In a case when all consumers are cancelled, Bunny::Channel will shut down its consumer delivery thread pool.

It will also now mark the pool as not running so that it can be started again successfully if new consumers are registered later.

GH issue: #133.

Bunny::Queue#pop_waiting is Removed

A little bit of background: on MRI, the method raised ThreadErrors reliably. On JRuby, we used a different [internal] queue implementation from JDK so it wasn’t an issue.

Timeout.timeout uses Thread#kill and Thread#join, both of which eventually attempt to acquire a mutex used by Queue#pop, which Bunny currently uses for continuations. The mutex is already has an owner and so a ThreadError is raised.

This is not a problem on JRuby because there we don’t use Ruby’s Timeout and Queue and instead rely on a JDK concurrency primitive which provides “poll with a timeout”.

The issue with Thread#kill and Thread#raise has been first investigated and blogged about by Ruby implementers in 2008.

Finding a workaround will probably take a bit of time and may involve reimplementing standard library and core classes.

We don’t want this issue to block Bunny 0.9 release. Neither we want to ship a broken feature. So as a result, we will drop Bunny::Queue#pop_waiting since it cannot be reliably implemented in a reasonable amount of time on MRI.

Per issue #131.

More Flexible SSLContext Configuration

Bunny will now upgrade connection to SSL in Bunny::Session#start, so it is possible to fine tune SSLContext and socket settings before that:

require "bunny"

conn =                   => true,
                 :tls_cert              => "examples/tls/client_cert.pem",
                 :tls_key               => "examples/tls/client_key.pem",
                 :tls_ca_certificates   => ["./examples/tls/cacert.pem"])

puts conn.transport.socket.inspect
puts conn.transport.tls_context.inspect

This also means that will now open the socket. Previously it was only done when Bunny::Session#start was invoked.

Full change log can be found on GitHub.

Plans for 0.9.0 Final

There is still a few things we need to do before Bunny 0.9 final:

  • Fix any remaining important issues we get reports for
  • Make configuring low-level socket and SSL context

We will also make improvements to the documentation guides.

Michael on behalf of the Ruby RabbitMQ Clients Team